Array Constants

More Useful Array Constant Formulas

I have been recently blogging on Array Constants (see below links) and how useful they are for simpler, more maintainable and readable formulas. ttps:// Also I often use SUMIFS which from the top of my head came with Excel 2007.  I did a job a few years ago that had another useful application of […]

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Using Array Constants in your formulas

Array constants can help simplify your formulas. I find I use this kind of formula a lot… =IF(AND(B5<>{“A”,”B”,”C”,”D”}),”Yes”,”No”) Instead of: =IF(AND(B5<>”A”,B5<>”B”,B5<>”C”,B5<>”D”),”Yes”,”No”) … and imagine if you want to test 20 items for B5 is not equal to?  It’s shorter and easier to read and edit.  I discovered this by just playing around way back but

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