
No more gaps – a formula to remove spaces in lists or empty rows in ranges

Update 12/12/2021 Since writing this post in 2017, Excel now has new revolutionary dynamic array formulas that really has overtaken all the workarounds for better dropdown lists we used to do such as described in my post below.  Now the new formula SORT() + UNIQUE() in Excel Office 365 (although not in earlier stand alone

No more gaps – a formula to remove spaces in lists or empty rows in ranges Read More »

Using Array Constants in your formulas

Array constants can help simplify your formulas. I find I use this kind of formula a lot… =IF(AND(B5<>{“A”,”B”,”C”,”D”}),”Yes”,”No”) Instead of: =IF(AND(B5<>”A”,B5<>”B”,B5<>”C”,B5<>”D”),”Yes”,”No”) … and imagine if you want to test 20 items for B5 is not equal to?  It’s shorter and easier to read and edit.  I discovered this by just playing around way back but

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Avoiding Nested IFs

Nested IFs.  We have all done them but there comes a time to find a better way.  In Excel 2003 you were limited to 7 levels of nesting but 2007 onwards the level could be increased to 64.  Both these levels are beyond my pain barrier for an overly complex formula fraught with danger. Even

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