
Use the macro recorder for VBA code for a relative formula

I did this very thing today, so thought I would share this tip with you as it saved me a lot of time.   Say you wanted to have this formula go into column 8 of the range you created in VBA for the number of dynamic rows you extracted using Advanced Filter. =CHOOSE( OR(C6={“EL”,”IL”})*1+(C6=”MT”)*2+OR(C6={“IP”,”EP”})*3+(C6=”SC”)*4+(C6=”AD”)*5, “Labour”,”Materials”,”Plant”,”SubContract”,”Overheads”)

Use the macro recorder for VBA code for a relative formula Read More »

Using Excel Templates to upload to an accounting software – Part A The Cash Book

I have been putting off blogging about this topic because it’s unwieldy to explain and involves work done many years ago that I would do better now.   I cringe a bit seeing an Offset formula now which I would only use these days as a last resort because it’s volatile.  But let’s see if it

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More Useful Array Constant Formulas

I have been recently blogging on Array Constants (see below links) and how useful they are for simpler, more maintainable and readable formulas. ttps:// Also I often use SUMIFS which from the top of my head came with Excel 2007.  I did a job a few years ago that had another useful application of

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