My blog
My Blog page’s theme is to produce practical blog posts from my Excel consulting with large and small business clients from varied industries. These topics include spreadsheet design, choosing a sound approach to an Excel based solution, learning from mistakes, VBA programing (or macros), Tables, Pivot Charts, Pivot Tables, advanced formulas, Pivot Query, PowerPivot, Excel User Forms, Excel data cleaning and manipulation, conditional formatting, user friendly features and more.
Hope you find them useful 🙂
Test cell for multiple matches to a list
This a post about a handy little formula I came up with on a job last week in order to test formulas from a client’s solution, against a list of
Using Autocorrect for better productivity
I have been using Excel’s native Autocorrect feature for better productivity for a long time which is code for helping me remember long or complex formula shortcuts mainly and other
Left-Handed Mouse
There is something about this time of year for solving old problems! Last week I just suddenly swung into action buying something I should have bought years ago? I am
Hide and Show columns with Power Query
I wanted to create a practical example to hide and show columns with Power Query and user selections from a table in a report. In the past I would do
Using Microsoft To Do 5 Tips
Using Microsoft To Do – 5 tips Matt Allington the well known Power Pivot, Power BI and Power Query expert and author has recently posted a great off topic article
Use the new FILTER() formula and retrieve only the columns you want
So in my previous post I was banging on about the new Dynamic Array formulas only fairly recently released to Office 365 Excel. I reckon FILTER() is the star but
Taking the new Dynamic Array formulas out for a spin
The new Dynamic Array formulas are now in Office 365 Excel! I have been playing around with some of them namely FILTER, UNIQUE and SORT which are awesome! Excel MVPs
IT Crowd – Have you tried turning it off and on again
You may get a laugh from this hilarious compilation from the IT Crowd’s recurring theme so many people working in IT can relate to … “have you tried turning it
Household Solar Energy Spreadsheet
We recently put solar panels on our roof and so I have become interested in solar energy and how it all works. If anything lends itself to being set out
Simple data cleaning technique from Leila Gharani
I do data cleaning day in day out. We all do. This simple data cleaning technique from Leila Gharani on You Tube is just so awesomely simple and effective you
Dynamic sum formula for summing between two dynamic columns
Here is a quick but really useful coffee break dynamic sum formula tip. I used this handy INDEX + MATCH based formula the other day and thought it was a
For those new to workbooks with macros
If you are new to workbooks with macros here is a short 2 min video on the quick setup needed to work with them on your PC’s Excel and some