Hire Excel expert in Australia to solve your business Excel spreadsheet problems

Automate, clean, organise, & visualise data easily. Reduce stress, get home earlier, enjoy life more!

Looking for professional Excel based spreadsheet solutions or services for your business?

I am a local Excel expert helping Australian businesses large & small with their Excel spreadsheet problems & Excel based processes, automation projects, data cleaning & analysis, reporting, you name it! I use powerful modern advanced Excel functionality such as macros or VBA programing, Power Query, PowerPivot, Pivot Tables , advanced formulas & charts.

 Hi I am John Hackwood

Local Advanced Excel Expert John

Excel expert solutions in Business

The art of spreadsheeting

I am a local Excel expert, based near the Gold Coast QLD and Northern NSW, providing businesses (large and small) from all across Australia,  with solutions to their Excel spreadsheet problems and  projects. 

This often involves automation, data cleaning & analysis, reporting, you name it!  I use powerful modern advanced Excel functionality such as macros or VBA programing, Power Query, PowerPivot, Pivot Tables , advanced formulas & charts.  Sometimes even Google sheets.

Organize data in such a way that formulas are simpler, data can more easily be re-used, sliced and diced and able to be summarized in powerful tools like Pivot Tables and PowerPivot.  Excel solutions are used through out business large and small because they work, can deliver what people need to do their jobs, can be implemented quickly and can be tailored to your business.  These days modern Excel from Microsoft 365 especially in the hands of an Excel Expert is surprisingly powerful.

With Passion box

My clients have come from varied industries

So far my valued clients seeking help with their spreadsheets come from industries such as Energy Retailer, Civil Engineering, Engineering, Property Development, Chartered Accounting, Hospitality, Mining, Agricultural Laboratory, Horse Racing, Building, Programmed Maintenance, Boutique Beer,  Veterinary, Electrical Contracting, Dental, Laboratory, Solar, Oil Exploration, Drilling & Window Furnishings

Recent clients

I always appreciate the trust clients place in me


How my Excel expertise has helped clients

Reporting Dashboards

Create a KPI Dashboard with interactive charts and tables with slicers and timelines up and running quickly.

Create a more efficient reporting tool to bring together data from various places which updates easily.


Want a tedious repetitive task like budget or forecast consolidation automated so it can be done with the click of a button and save time?

What about uploading transactions to your accounting software from a template?

Data Analysis

Uncover meaningful insights. After a process of cleaning and merging data as above then creating an interactive tool to analyze data to identify the exceptions and trends.

Quotations & Orders

Make the quoting or ordering for jobs a more efficient, reliable process.

Once data is organized and more easily accessible to advanced lookup formulas or Pivot Tables the process becomes more efficient and reliable. I have also done solutions where the order is emailed using VBA.

Clean & Merge Data

Fix broken legacy spreadsheets. Consolidate Data from multiple (sometimes hundreds) of sheets or workbooks.

Power Query or VBA can clean and re-organize your data into few places opening the option to use Pivot Tables to more efficiently produce reports and see a clearer picture in your own report, chart or dashboard.

Tailored Applications

All industries or businesses have their quirks or all systems have their gaps so using Excel Power Query or VBA we can link to downloaded system data and create a Excel Expert designed tailored solution.

Financial Modelling

Used VBA to amend complex financial model of large fabricator with multiple sites. P & Ls used by this company's financiers required changes and Balance Sheet forecasting without changing the output format or structure.

Forecasting & Budgeting

Cash Forecasts from ever changing data brought in by VBA or Power Query using Tables with lookup payment days assumptions a cash forecast was produced with start and end dates. Or budgets with complex assumptions and calculations.

FIFO Stock picking tool

A client had SAP stock data that couldn't prioritize stock by expiry dates so this too took this SAP data into Excel and provided a prioritized stock item list by earliest expiry date.

The humble spreadsheet actually has many powerful features...

Advanced Excel tools an Excel expert uses

Excel Macros and VBA Programming

VBA programming (or macros) can do just about anything you need.

Excel Advanced Formulas & Lookups

Lookup formulas like INDEX, VLOOKUP or XLOOKUP aid in the process of entering data once and reusing it many times.

Excel Power Query

Power Query is Excel's relatively new, absolutely awesome ETL (extract, transform and load) tool

Dynamic Array Formulas

These awesome new formulas such as SORT, FILTER, UNIQUE process arrays of data rather than a cell making solutions more dynamic.

Pivot Tables

Pivot Tables have been around since 1994 and provide an interactive, slice and dice tool to data reporting, now the output form for PowerPivot


Excel's powerful data analysis and data modelling tool

Excel Data Validation

Or Drop Down lists, now with the new Dynamic Array formulas the dropdown lists can easily be in a particular order, filtered with no gaps & process dependency.

Google Sheets

Sometimes, Google Sheets is the better spreadsheet for particular tasks. An Excel Expert can easily work with Google Sheets

Power BI

Microsoft's awesome data analysis and visualization platform. This is an area I haven't had many clients asking for and so actually not an area of strength for me.

Advanced Filter

Advanced filter especially driven by a few lines of VBA is still one of the fastest and easiest ways to extract data from a data set with complex criteria

Truth Tables

When the logic for a problem is very complex, a Truth Table with all the possible outcomes is better to maintain than a super formula.

User Forms and Add-Ins

Excel Expert created User Forms automate and simplify controls in one place and Add-Ins allow you to share macros with a team but maintain in one place.

Some of my recent blog posts ...

Here is a little demo on a great way to place macro buttons out of the way

Some Numbers...

I have been doing this work since 2010 part time and this full time since 2016.  By now I have seen a wide variety of Excel situations & challenges to solve!

Years doing advanced Excel work for Clients
Satisfied Clients
Tasks & Projects Completed